Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Borne Identity - How To Grow Your Believe

The Mentorship Circle
Borne Identity – How To Grow Your Believe -  Part One
By: Okpara Chijioke Anthony Twitter: @okparachijioke
“All flesh is not the same; men have one kind of flesh animals
have another…the sun has one kind of splendor the moon
another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor”
I Corinthians 15:39 – 41

The first thing I will like to establish here is that you are not ordinary, a lot of time we use the word ‘ordinary me’, you are not ordinary, you are a masterpieces of creation assigned with a specific mission and this mission can only be accomplished when you realized and recognized who you are. Many studies have revealed that the average person possesses from 500 to 700 different skills and abilities. For instance, your brain can store 100 trillion facts. Your mind can handle 15,000 decisions a second. Your nose can smell up to 10,000 different odors. Your touch can detect an item 1/25,000th of an inch thick, and your tongue can taste one part of quinine in 2million parts of water – so you are not ordinary, you are a bundle of incredible abilities – the whole world is waiting for your manifestation.

On this lesson, I will be discussing  ‘How To Grow Your Believe’ – you are rewarded in life according to your definition, this simply means that what you cannot define you cannot use. There are two forms of definition: Statutory definition and Functional definition – for instance I can call the plastic or wood I am seating on chair – that is statutory. How does this chair you are seating on affect your life – I can say I am seating on a support – that is functional. You also know that if you use that same plastic or wood to break someone’s head, the definition changes in the law court – they may call it weapon of mass destruction. So how does what you do affect who you are – whatever you cannot define you cannot use.

Believe simply means ‘to accept as true’ – how to grow your believe?

  1. Create an environment: The first question one should ask his or her self is how does where I live support what I do? An environment is a condition that supports existence. Your faith cannot exist if you don’t have the right environment – you are a product of your environment simply put, your environment is  who you are , it reminds you of who you are and what you have become over time  – so create the right atmosphere that support your believe. The question would be what and who do you listen to (people, music, audio message etc.)? What kind of book do you read? You must understand that you can create your own environment outside your environment; this will help you reinforce your belief.

  2. Write down your inspired thought: I often say that the best way to trap a thought on earth is to write it down. It is much easier to review your vision when it is written than when it is just in the space. Your thoughts are so powerful that they can alter or frame your future, so take them serious. The problem with our education system is that we are taught how to use other people’s thought, we were never taught how to put to use our own thought – so by the time you are out of school you look twice as confused than when you started. To grow your believe you must learn to document your own thought. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote “A man should learn to detach and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty.”

  3. Credible People not people: Everybody have people but not everybody have credible people. Do you have people around you that inspire you and represent the industry you want to enter or project you are currently working on? It is very important for you to understand that not everybody is qualified to speak into your life. You don’t tell everybody your dream or vision – the people you talk to must have what it takes to speak into your life, remember the right information plus the right people will enhance the right connection that will facilitate the right promotion in your life.

  4. Act on your believe: believe is like a muscle the more you exercise it the more you develop or get used to it. When you act on your believe it produces a result that result reinforces you to go back and create a higher goal. So don’t just believe, act on it. It takes courage to start, patience to continue, faith to finish and grace to excel.

  5. Repeat number 1,2,3, and 4: Repetitious information create faith. Aristotle once said “we are what we repeatedly do; excellence is not an act but a habit.” Learning is best at – practicing and repetition – the more you repeat this steps the more you gain mastery.

Let us know how the MentorshipCircle is impacting and changing your life and what you do. Don’t forget to drop a comment and also share with your friends and network. The MentorshipCircle is a free course project developed by Okpara Chijioke Anthony – Founder and President of the Voice of Youth African Forum (voyaforum), targeted at reaching young people in rural and urban communities across Sub-Saharan Africa. Our program is a full three months intensive and comprehensive class work on Leadership, Self-development, Business management and Investment. We use a creative-immersive learning approach to deliver these courses in an engaging and exciting atmosphere that fosters audience participation. To Become A Partner: Write to us via:

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